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Career Counseling

Career planning is a lifelong process in selecting an occupation, locating career opportunities, professionally developing one’s self in a career, and possibly changing one’s career. It may happen once in your lifetime, but it is more likely to happen several times as an individual gains experience and redefines his or her self due a combination of their personal and/or career goals.

Career Planning: A Four Step Process The career planning process is comprised of four steps D.I.G.S. where one should consider seeking the expertise and services of a career development professional to help through this process. Whether or not you choose to work with a professional or on your own, the amount of energy and commitment you put into choosing a career is important.

  1. Discover (Self-Assessment)
  2. Investigate (Occupational Research, Interviews, and Experience).
  3. Gauge (Career Matches)
  4. Succeed (Decision-Making and Action Plan)

Career Coaching

coaching enables diverse individuals – mid-career professionals, change leaders and entrepreneurs, women leaders, in reimagining your career and work and taking charge of your own personal and professional growth with confidence. Our expert coaches create a space for exploration, clarifications and stock taking in the spheres of work roles and life journey. This impacts individuals both professionally and personally by helping them to proactively enhance effectiveness, taking actions towards goals and improving well being.

Career Guidance

Career guidance is the guidance given to individuals to help them acquire the knowledge, information, skills, and experience necessary to identify career options, and narrow them down to make one career decision. This career decision then results in their social, financial and emotional well-being throughout.

In an age where career queries are not uncommon, it’s important to answer queries related to career guidance or career, in general.

More often than not, people find themselves in a state of dilemma before making important decisions in their lives. Generally, everyone seeks advice from parents and friends before deciding on what to wear. Being rational individuals, people always want to get what’s best for them. Shouldn’t the same logic be applied while choosing a career, or changing career paths, which is supposedly a big decision one makes in one’s life?